16 April 2020

Seeking God's Will

I've searched for God's will for me for a long long time. Every day in every circumstance (ok, not every circumstance, but like... a lot). And I'm going to be completely honest with you, I haven't always felt guided by Him.

Yeah, me too. But don't leave yet.

I've felt watched over by him, yes. But very often I have felt alone in making decisions. And it feels terrible, doesn't it? The floating in the balance and wanting desperately to know what he wants for you? It's a righteous desire... so why doesn't He answer?

Sometimes, I think He wants us to choose. To exercise our agency- because 'it is not meet to be commanded in all things'. I think this one happens more often than not, and while it's sometimes annoying (maybe it's not for you.... but I am the kind of person who really wants to be doing the right thing... and knowing I"m doing the right thing.... and not wasting time..... I'm obviously not the adventurous type..) it's fine. And doable. And we learn a lot in the process.  

But the experience I want to talk about is one that is a little more touchy. The one where He withholds answers that you know you need. Not because He doesn't have anything to say. The experiences where you feel like you need and want guidance on his will, and you just kind of get crickets... 

And for a long time it didn't make sense to me.

But the other day I was reading my scriptures and it clicked for me.

The Brother of Jared waited and wandered  in the wilderness for YEARS. Like actual years.... seems rude.

But you know what else? He wasn't praying. Do you think if he was forgetting to PRAY he had the kind of faith to be like 'hey God, make these rocks glow please...'?

But that's the kind of faith He needed to do the thing the Lord was going to ask Him to do.

So why didn't the Lord just tell the Brother of Jared what He needed to do and hope that some direction would shape him up into who he was supposed to be?

I believe it's because the Lord is merciful. He is kind. And He wants for us to have the best chance we can at the best life we can possibly have.

Soooo I think sometimes He waits until He knows we are ready not only to listen, but also to act on what it is we hear. It presents a great litmus test, really....

Do I act when He tells me to do little things? When I have the prompting to reach out to someone, take a different route, or make more time for something in my life- do I really listen?

Those little promptings matter. I think sometimes the Lord uses us as His hands in these little moments and sometimes we learn that we were an answer to someone's prayer, or we were kept safe, or a myriad of other circumstances. But I would like to bring up the possibility that maybe sometimes they're little tests to see if we are listening, and if we're brave enough to act after we hear.

We are held to a higher standard if we know what He would have us do and don't do it. So in His mercy, God waits. He waits until He trusts that we are ready to step foot into what he has in store for us instead of sitting in the misery of knowing what we should do and standing idle.

He loves you. He wants to speak to you. He knows what's best for you. And He knows the perfect timing of our lives. I know it I know it I know it. 

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