25 August 2016

oh, august

The last time I posted was just after my grandfather died at the end of July.
There's good reason I haven't posted since-August has been a whirlwind.
I looked at my calendar and everything we have done has overlapped.
I think our little family has had maybe a total of four days at home without visitors or vacations.
We've spent 24 hours in the car with a baby driving back and forth from grandpa's funeral,
a week with my entire family in Hawaii,
had Jay's family in town for education week at BYU,
my family come to town to move my little sister in (YAYYYY.),
a tiny human with the stomach flu while everyone was here,
and today Jay's family comes back to town for a family wedding.
August is nearly through and had I blinked I might have missed it.

I remember last summer when there was so much going on for us with a new baby, state, house, puppy, job, etc. somebody told me to try and take a step back to enjoy it because there are very few stages where everything will be so new and exciting. And it's true. And I recognize there will be phases where we won't have so many places to be and people to be with. So I'm just sitting back the best I can, not worrying about the un-mopped floors or unfinished upstairs bathroom. Not stressing about getting up the pictures from Hawaii with accompanying posts, and only focusing on loving my sweet sick baby (and hard-working husband) and getting the spare bedroom sheets washed between visitors.

So in honor of our month, I'll share some family pictures we took in Hawaii that sort of speak to our life right now. Jay laughed when I wanted a family picture just how we were on our last day in Hawaii before the sunset, but I knew we wouldn't get another chance before we left and we had minutes until the sun went down. So although I am still in my bathing suit, Rory is naked eating pizza, Jay is only humoring me, and we have a sweet little tag-along: this is life lately. A little nuts, extra people involved, not always put together, but really happy.

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