24 June 2016

Rory's birthday party!

Jay came home one day a month or so ago and said, 
"We don't need to do a party or anything right? It's not like she cares." 
And (proud wife moment) within seconds he said. "Wait, never mind.
You love birthdays and you love parties. Of course we're having one." 
I couldn't have said it better myself. . Something about planning an event where people can come together and have a good time is so fun. And on top of it, it's an opportunity to see all the people you love and wish you saw more of. (I can't be the only one who has at least 40 people like this in my life...right?)
I was the party thrower in college, although most of my events ended up with far too many people and an amount of noise that got us shut down. (and got shout-outs from the pulpit at church the next Sunday, holla!) That being my background meant that I thoroughly enjoyed myself, but totally overdid it on the treats. College students are like garbage disposals. "Free, homemade sweets?!! I'll eat five and take some for lunch tomorrow too, thanks" in contrast to the normal human population who I had to keep prodding to eat more than one. Let's just say I basically ate an entire pan of lemon bars and a half of a texas sheet cake post-party and I am not complaining. 

As far as the actual party goes it was so fun! Rory was mostly unenthused, but happily played with my sweet maidmaids and was generally a great sport. She was dainty with her cake and inspected it thoroughly before eating it, per the usual. She loved the wrapping paper most, but did love her new books and toys. Boo was allowed to be out for the first half of the party and was giddy as can be to have all the new people around who wanted to pet her. 

But honestly, we feel so blessed. We have aunts and uncles and friends and cousins all right here in the valley that love our girl. She doesn't realize it, but that is such a lucky way to spend your first year of life (and the rest of it, for that matter). So thank you. It's way more cool than I thought it would be to watch other people love your kid and it means so much to Jay and I. So thank you for showering our girl with your presence, a few presents, and so so much love. 

Also, this is my formal apology for our house being a boiler room that day! We've had air conditioning people come out more than once only to learn that it's just the way the house is set up that's the problem- not our AC system. So we're working on it. Our house just couldn't keep up with all of our super hot friends in the hottest part of the day! So some of you sweat your way through the event, but we loved having you there, sweat and all. (sorry. again...)

1 comment:

  1. Ooh! What a beautiful post. The photographer has captured every moment so beautifully. I thoroughly enjoyed going through this post. Happy birthday to the little one. I must also finalize one of the beautiful event venues Chicago for my daughter’s first birthday.


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