Remember our first mini Christmas?
We were still in school in Provo in an apartment, and Jay got deer antlers?
Ha, well we have done mini Christmas every other year thus far.
Because my mom is as obsessed with Christmas as I am,
and on years we aren't at her house she sends all of our presents to us!
A true gem, right?
And opening presents is the perfect excuse to stuff stockings and make creamed eggs. (Here here!)
That, plus the added music and celebrating Christ, equates to the birth of mini-Christmas.
And just the same as last time on our college budget,
I went ahead and made as much as I could.
So to add to mine and Jay's matching homemade stockings,
I cut up an old dress and made Rory's from white lace (with the same fur as ours on top for continuity!)
and I took a leaf from my grandma's book and made a wreath for above the couch (blank wall probs...)
with the boughs I cut to thin out our sweet little Christmas tree.
It's not as perfect as hers always are, but I love it just the same.
(also she gave me those Christmas plates last year and I'm in love!)
The only thing left are the little salt dough ornaments of Rory's hand and Boo's paw.
We are excited to go visit family, but we also love being home together.
We are so grateful. For our little family, and the holidays where we get to remember Christ's birth
and spend time enjoying our happy families that he made possible.

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