05 June 2014

for those of you who think we're visiting...

We're back!
And by back, I mean we are here.
When you come back to your hometown there are lots of questions,
so let me answer them for you [and maybe those you didn't know you had] in one fell swoop.

1. Why are we here?
Meaning California. Meaning Coarsegold. Meaning the mountains.
We are here because we want to be! And honestly, all the cards fell into place to make it possible.
I'm graduated, we have a place to stay, there's meaningful work for me to do, etc. etc.

2. How long will we be here?
About a year! Jay takes the LSAT this coming Monday [cue the nervous anticipation and forevers-worth of studying], then applications, then law school somewhere [but no, we don't know yet..] in the fall of 2015.

3. I thought Jay wasn't done with school?
He's not. He has one semester left of his undergrad, but he found out a few months ago that all of his classes to finish are offered online. SCORE. Thus, the aforementioned year long nature of our stay.

4. Are you living with your parents?
Yes. Also, no. We are living on my parents property, but not in their house. They built a barn down a mile or so from their home after we got married and it has an apartment above it where we can live. Can you say so awesome or do I need to say it for you? SO. awesome.

5. Are you working for your dad?

6. How does Jay feel about living right next to your parents?
Actually, great! If not, we wouldn't have moved here. He studies and hunts squirrels and generally appreciates living in the middle of the wilderness with a gravel driveway. Life is pretty awesome.

So we are alive and well and so happy and things are generally pretty wonderful in Coarsegold, California. I haven't really started work because we just moved in and we leave on Jay's family vacation next week, so our days are filled with family and visits from all the best friends that are now far away and happened to be around. I got to meet my Kelsie's sweet baby Tyson for the first time, and catch up with my brave Gina who has had a deployed husband for most of her marriage and is finally reunited with her sweetheart. Happy Happy Happy all the way around.

Oh, and my goodness, we now live close to our chunky Clara girl who loves sitting in the windowsill of our apartment and saying "hosey" or "no no no" to the dogs outside and loves the water and playing "ball" with Uncle Jay. We are in love, obviously.

Also, moving is the worst. I know I shouldn't complain because we were moving into the best situation ever, but moving is bad enough and then knowing you have a twelve hour drive waiting as soon as you're done is almost as bad. Jay's car was even more packed than this^.

Also, my life vs. Jay's life.
So good.


  1. That barn apartment sounds so dreamy!

  2. How am I JUST seeing this now?! I love you!! So happy you are home and so happy you got to meet Tyson!!

  3. Ahh. When I talked to you in the gym, I could just FEEL how excited you were to move there. I'm so glad everything is working out well for you. You deserve it.


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